? Biden and Trump completely ignored cryptocurrencies in the first presidential debate.
– During Thursday’s 90-minute debate, US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump did not mention cryptocurrencies once, despite the impressive contributions of several crypto-lobbyists to the 2024 election. The debate mostly focused on economic planning, abortion rights, immigration and foreign policy, and touched in passing on the mental capacity of the two oldest presidential candidates – 81-year-old Biden and 78-year-old Trump.
The cryptocurrency-backed Super Political Action Committee (PAC) raised $202.8 million from industry supporters and spent $93.6 million to influence the election, but the cryptocurrency sector received no attention during the debate.
Fairshake PAC alone raised $177.8 million and spent $70.8 million on attack ads for congressional candidates. Additionally, Protect Progress and Defend American Jobs PACs spent $22.8 million and raised $25 million.