📌 – 他们在加密货币世界声名鹊起。
– 他们在加密货币世界声名鹊起。2010年订购的两个约翰老爹披萨现在价值近1100亿美元。2019年,在接受哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)60分钟 节目采访时,Hanech谈到了这一事件。许多人认为,这是历史上第一笔商业比特币交易。我说如果有人感兴趣,我提供10,000个比特币 来交换一个披萨.
有人说:嗨 然后往电子钱包里发了一万个币He paid with a credit card and the pizza showed up at my door
Hanek’s costly mistake has always been a meme in the crypto community as the price of bitcoin continues to rise from cycle to cycle.
The infamous Papa John’s purchase made in 2010/5/22 is widely known in the bitcoin community as Pizza Day
22.05.2016 10000 bitcoins spent by Hanek on pizza in 2010 was only 441 bitcoins, but was valued at around ¥440 million.
2 years later, on Pizza Day 2018, the total of 10000 BTC had rise to around 44,100 million, increasing around 10 times since 2016.
2020年,比特币的价格达到了新的高度,10000 BTC的价值超过了88000万。在 2022 年的必胜客日,这一替代价值上涨了一个数量级,超过了 30 亿英镑。在 2023 年的熊市中,这一趋势首次逆转,10000 BTC 的总价值跌至 268 亿日元。